Monday, October 26, 2009

That big question, "Why?"

So, why is it that, with all of the homework that I already have to do, I am supposed to also do my son's kindergarten homework? And for that matter, why do kindergarteners have homework?

Why do the people you expect to be the last to disappoint you end up being the ones who inevitably will?

Why does money never stretch as far as you'd like it to?

Why is it that when you go for that last cookie, or that anticipated bowl of cereal in the morning, it usually ends up being gone, or the milk carton is empty?

Why does Monday always have a "feel" to it?

Why do we put our faith in men (mankind, not males) when we know they will let us down?

Why can I never admit when I'm wrong, but expect that of others?

Why is it that the lady who sits by me in one of my classes cheats off of me, "borrows" my study guide, and lies about how much work she did outside of class? And why do I allow all of this to go on?

Why are my children so weird?!? :-)

Why do I tend to ask questions that I know have answers I don't want to hear?

Why? Just, why?

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