Saturday, March 28, 2009

Snow in March?

Well, we all knew it was coming, but I don't think we thought it'd be like this. We had a lot of thunderstorms last night and our backyard was a lake, as usual. Today, it was supposed to snow, and the weathermen kept telling us that we'd get a lot of it, but you know we don't ever believe them. Apparently they were exactly right! Here are some pictures from about 10 am.
Well, I hadn't looked outside in quite awhile, so about an hour and a half later, I was on the phone with my mom. Our power had been flickering off and on and I was worried that we'd lose power and be in big trouble. So I called to see if we could hang out with them if it came to that. My mom told me that the roads were pretty bad and that it wouldn't be a good idea to drive out in it, but if we needed to and they still had power that we were more than welcome to come. So, I thought I'd look outside again and this is what I saw:

So, apparently it doesn't matter if it's Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter. We're just gonna get whatever the heck we get here in Oklahoma. Nice. Whoda thunk?

Friday, March 27, 2009

My week back to real life

So, this was my week back to school and somewhat normal life again. No more "sitting at home" and doing nothing. But, then again, I didn't really get a Spring Break since I was sick all week and couldn't do anything. But I just kind of feel normal again. I'm back into my routine of taking Alex to school everyday and going to school myself twice a week.

Speaking of my school, I just figured something out that's pretty ROCKIN'! While my parents were here tonight, I got to looking at the schedule of courses that are offered next semester. While there's not much available for me to take, I will be able to take needed classes. But the interesting thing was, that I may actually graduate in Spring 2010 instead of Fall 2010! Can you believe that? My last semester will end up being 12 hours, but 3 of those hours will be my Capstone, which isn't really necessarily a class at all. So, I'll be done sooner than I thought. Can you believe that?!? I'm so excited! The only thing is that Reesey will only be starting pre-k, not kindergarten. So, I don't know what we're gonna do as far as childcare goes. But that'll all depend on a job that I get...if I can get one then.

Being sick kind of put a kink into things around here. Last week, Alex had his first t-ball practice and I wasn't able to go because I was running a 101.2 fever and didn't think I needed to be around other people. So my mom took him and Ryan picked him up after he got off work. Well, I was hoping to be able to go to his practices this week since I was feeling better. Yeah, that didn't happen either. It rained out practice on Tuesday night and I am in class until 10 pm on Wednesday nights, so I didn't get to go again! I'm really bummed, because I've never even laid eyes on his coaches or any of the other parents. It's awfully strange.

We went to get Alex fitted for his t-ball uniform today. They had brought samples to practice on Wednesday night, but it was too cold and disorganized for the kids to try them on out there at the fields. So, they suggested we go to the place that's going to do the uniforms, "The Scoreboard." They've been in business FOREVER! Seriously. My brother and I used to order our baseball and softball uniforms from this company when we played growing up. when we went over there this afternoon, the man who runs the place was an absolute jerk! He acted like we were idiots for being there getting sized. I mean, come on! Isn't your job to sell uniforms and other sports paraphernalia to people? Don't you think it would be smart business to treat people with respect. I mean, if we didn't HAVE to use this company, I would never go back there after being talked to like I was today. It's not my fault that our team couldn't try on uniforms in 40 degree weather. Who acts like that? I mean, really?

I don't know. Maybe I'm a little sensitive, but I just don't like being talked down to or being treated rudely by people. Especially people in customer service. This company relies on word-of-mouth for a lot of their business and I'll just tell you this: the words that will be coming out of this mouth will not be in praise or complimentary to his company. He'll be sorry. I just hope that he doesn't treat the other parents like he treated me today. It's uncalled for.

Oh, and another development that I thought was interesting: Ryan may get a facebook page! :-) I think it's funny because he teases me all the time for having a facebook page and says that it's ridiculous that people use facebook. And now he's seriously considering it. He actually told me the other day that he wanted me to help him set one up. Now who's being ridiculous?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Catching you up...

December? Really? That was my last blog post? Sorry guys! It's been CRAAAAZY around here! So, what's been going on? LOTS!

I started another semester at school. After this one, I've only got three more to go! Can you believe that?!? School is going great, but I've been busy busy. I've been hanging out more with some of the girls from my classes. Joy and Carissa are the two that I've developed quite a friendship with and I'm so blessed. They are both great Christian women who inspire me to be a better student and better friend. Joy is a couple of years older than me and she's married to her hubby, Billy. They've been married for 12 years! So sweet! Joy's sarcasm rivals mine, so look out!! And Carissa, well she's a young'un. She's only 22, so she's got her whole life ahead of her. :-) She is actually graduating this semester, and I'll miss her in classes, but I'm glad that we've all gotten so close this year. It's made school that much more enjoyable. We'll keep in touch after she's gone. We have a standing Girl's Night that we will definitely have to keep up.

I'm going to Oregon for a week this summer. It's for school, but it'll also be a nice little mini-vacation. We're going to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, OR during the first week of June. I'm really excited and blessed to be able to go. My favorite professor at school is the one who's leading this excursion, so it'll be that much more enjoyable. I just can't believe that it's already this close!! Pray for me when we leave. I don't enjoy flying. AT ALL! I'm actually terrified, if you didn't know this about me already. So it'll be difficult. And I'll be by myself (sans family) on the plane, so I'll be extra nervous. So, keep fingers crossed and utter more prayers for me on May 31st when we leave and June 6th when we head back.

Alex is starting t-ball again this summer. He's already had his first practice, which I had to miss because I got sick...again! He's really excited and so are we. We're on a different team this year, but I think it'll be good. He's still going to wear number 1, but this year his team is the Tigers. Orange and black! He's so excited. He's also doing extremely well in school. Like he wouldn't. :-) But he did have trouble one day, leaving the class without permission. That's automatic "move your clip to red" time. He has since been grounded from the video games for an entire month. It's been torture for him, but he's gotta learn. We've had no more instances since then, so I think he got the picture.

Reesey. Yeah. Well. She's been a bit of a handful. If you don't know this already, she's been a terror. She's Bernice re-incarnated, so I've been told. Bernice would be my great-grandma Bernice Bailey. My parents always told me that I had hints of her in my personality, but my dad finally admitted that Reesey is Bernice. This can be a good thing and a bad thing. Reesey is sweet and loving, just like Grandma Bernice. But she's also the most stubborn thing in the entire world, also just like Grandma Bernice. I love her dearly, but I can't take much more of her little "diva" attitude. It got so bad that I had actually threatened to take everything out of her room. And when I say "everything" I mean EVERYTHING! And I did it. She pushed me too far and I took every dang thing out of her room. The only thing in there was her bed, blanket, and pillow. She didn't even have Bunny (her buddy since the day she was born). And that night, Daddy had the kids by himself, and she pushed him too far, so he took her bed away. She only had the mattress, pillow and blanket. She has since started to earn things back, one at a time. I think she finally got the hint that she does not rule this house and she doesn't decide who does what, when things get done, and who is in trouble. She's not the parent, however much she wishes she was. Battle one: Score Momma.

I got Bronchitis...again. I got sick in January, right before school started. And I thought that would be my illness for the year. Apparently not. I got bronchitis again this past week, which was supposed to be my Spring Break. Yeah, fun. I'm just now beginning to feel like a human again.

My best friend, Meg is pregnant! She's been wanting this forever! They weren't sure if they'd be able to have a baby, since she has endometriosis (sp?) and pregnancy is always difficult with that. She's amazing and she and Andrew are going to be fabulous parents! I'm so excited for her to experience what I've been lucky enough to experience myself. Motherhood is a blessing and pregnancy is a joy, even when it doesn't seem like it. Love you, Meggles!!

So, that's what's been going on in our world these past few months. I'll do better about keeping this more up to date. Sorry for it being so late this time around. Promise, it won't happen again.