My kids get all hopped up on sugar whenever Easter, Christmas, and Halloween roll around because we don't let them have a lot of candy any other time. I'd rather their teeth not rot out before they've had the chance to grow their second set. Well, in their sugar high, my kids seem to act extremely different. Alex will just bounce off the wall like any normal kid would. But Reesey seems to get bossier and bossier in her sugar-high state. It's pretty obnoxious. She was even bossing Grandpa Brown around when he was trying to draw her pictures. First she tells him he HAS to draw her a picture, then she tells him it's not right so he changes it, then that one's not right either. She takes the final picture and wads it up and throws it in the trash. Mind you, this is after she's already bossed my dad and Ryan into drawing her pictures and done the exact same thing. She didn't like either of those pictures and threw them in the trash as well. Yeah.

But we did have a good time. We were with family and nothing else mattered. It was nice. We went to church Sunday morning with my parents. My brother's family was there also...all of them this time. The service was nice and the kids were good during their stay in the sanctuary. Afterwards we went to Fuddrucker's in South Tulsa for lunch with the entire family. And I have to say that eating with my nephew, Cooper, is an experience all in itself. He is DISGUSTING! He eats weird combinations of foods. He talks about bathroom functions. He has this sick sense of humor that involves bodily functions and weird scenarios. It's gross. I don't enjoy eating meals with him right now. Really. I love him to death, but it's really unpleasant. Thankfully he's only 8 and this will subside?
My hubby is a different story altogether. He yells at video games when he's losing and thinks the system is "cheating" him. It's ridiculous. He never backs down from a stupid situation either. See him here wearing my niece, Jordan's hat while we were at my parents' house the other night. Lovely.

So there's my family. They're strange, funny, crazy, and bossy. They are also very loving and generous and kind. We're one big happy, weird, silly family. And I love it!
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